
David Kumlien
David Kumlien
Job title:
Veterans Service Partnership Coordinator
About me:
Proud to be the 2nd of 4 generations of family involvement with TU. I have been a Madison Gallatin TU member for almost 40 years, my wife Karyn's Dad, Bob Foukal, was an "NLC member" (they didn't call it that way back then), my oldest son Kris is a Board member of MGTU, and my 6 grandchildren are Stream Explorers! I am a 40 year Montana fly fishing guide and outfitter, and if you want to meet with me to talk TU business, we're going to do our meeting on the river!
Other Interests:
my grandkids
good food
and serving our nation's veterans!
Group membership:
Aquatic Invasive Species/ Clean Angling
Utah Single Fly
Origin Stories | TU Chapters
Veterans Service Partnership
National Leadership Council - NLC
California - 9CA
2016 Annual Meeting Fishing Report
Montana - 9MT